Back to School part 2
I can honestly say that I’m not a fan of the kids being in school. The schedules, the lunches, the HOMEWORK etc, it’s just a lot to deal with. I know this is what they need to start their education and all but seriously, lay off the homework teachers! I love that they all love school and I am grateful they attend great schools so I don’t want to sound ungrateful, it’s just all a bit overwhelming. I now have workbooks for Taryn so she can do “homework” while the kids are doing it. It’s just something simple to keep her busy and it keeps her from asking me a million questions when I’m trying to answer their million questions while cooking dinner.
We went to New Orleans for Labor Day and had a great time visiting my in-laws.
We didn’t venture out of the house much do to some other activities going on in the city but it was nice to chillax and hang out. I love to see my kids with their Grandparents. It doesn’t matter if we’ve been away from them for 2 weeks, 2 months or 6 months, they pick up right where they left off and carry on with discussions, jokes and laughter.

While in New Orleans we had the opportunity to visit our friends John and Penny and their precious kids. We visited their church and, as always, were welcomed with open arms. Our kids enjoyed going to Journeytown to learn and meet new friends and we were able to enjoy the music (which was fabulous) and listen to a great sermon. I am so thankful to
John and Penny for our friendship, for their mentorship and ultimately for them believing in us. Thanks Franklins!
Well our trip ended all too soon and Monday morning we had to hit the road and head back home.
Jeff was moved to manage another group. He was a bit disappointed at first because he really liked his crew and was forming a bond with them. He’s closer to home now and knows he will bond with the new guys just as well. He also had to come off home dispatch (drove company vehicle to and from work) which stinks but if that’s as bad as it gets then all is good!I had an Upper GI Endoscopy last week and the gastroenterologist found and removed several polyps. The pain I had is now gone and I can finally eat a meal without doubling over in pain. Thank GOD! I’m almost back to 100%.
Many of you have been asking me to post videos of Taryn. Well, over the weekend our little sweetheart decided she wanted to CUT her hair. She is now our little peacock! The first video is of her crying, this was shot right after I realized she'd cut her hair. She cried and cried and apologized a thousand times. The others are just some cute videos from the past week. Enjoy!
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