Back to School
I can't sleep (damn vicodin), so may as well blog.
The kids are off to a good start. Kiarra said Jr. High is “great” and Jayden said this year is “the same.” Kiarra is already preparing for her first dance (in 4 weeks) and a pool party with her choir group! Seriously?!!? I’m quitting my job and homeschooling! Anyone know a good “work from home” gig?
Kiarra gets herself up every morning by 6 and is showered and ready to go by 6:45, including eating breakfast. She is up and gone before Jayden is even out of bed – crazy! She has mastered opening her locker and getting from class to class without being late. She’s met new friends and connected with old ones – so far so good.
Jayden is getting the hang of changing classes too. This is his first year for having more than one teacher (besides the normal switching for music and p.e.). When he got home yesterday I asked him what he learned… this was our conversation:
Me – Jayden, what did you learn today?
J – Ummmmm, I learned that you can’t do anything by yourself.
Me – Really? What can’t you do by yourself?
J – You can’t cure cancer by yourself.
Me – True, what else?
J – I don’t know, that’s all we talked about.
Me – Ok. Well, what else did you learn today?
J – I don’t have head lice.
Me – [laughing] well that’s good!
J – Yea!
I share this with you for 2 reasons, the 1st reason is that I think it’s insane that they talk to 3rd graders about cancer and the 2nd reason is that I’m sure he learned more than that (or not) but of his 7 hour day, he remembers cancer and head lice. I’ll never understand! Moving on…
We make a point of eating dinner together every night. Now and then Jeff works late or I’m out of town with my job but I’d say 98% of the time, we all sit together at the table and have dinner. We have a routine, I do all the cooking, each of the kids has chores to get the table ready and Jeff cleans up (most of the time). Last night was no different, Taryn got the placemats and forks and put them on the table, and then I asked her to get the cups of ice water since Jayden was doing something else. She is so obedient and does what we ask of her the majority of the time with a smile and good attitude. She literally says “please and thank you” for everything. Ok, let me rephrase or re-explain. She asks “Mommy, may I have milk tonight please and thank you?” or “Mommy, can I play with my toys in the bathtub please and thank you?” It is adorable. We’ve explained that she should wait until we answer to say “thank you” but she insists on saying it all at once. She still apologizes for things that are clearly not her fault but her feeling get hurt anytime anyone is upset so she feels the need to apologize. It’s hard to believe she will be 4 in just 3 ½ months.
I had my cat scan on Monday and it showed a kidney stone. I finally know where the pain is coming from! I’ll find out next week after another x-ray the plan to remove or blast it. It’s been a brutal week of pain and missing a lot of work! Of course missing work isn’t always so bad considering I don’t have to look at or deal with the bully but I’m falling behind and have a ton to do before the end of the year. I’m going to do my best to stay committed to my promise to the kids in that I won’t work when I get home from work (at least not until they go to bed). Oh yea, bought another camera so pics of kids trip to NO coming soon.
Tomorrow marks the 2nd anniversary of Grandma Nilmah going Home to be with Jesus. RIP Grandma! We all miss you.
THIS IS AWESOME!!! You crack me up with your writing - you truly have a gift!!!
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean- it shocks me a little to know that JP is almost 4!!! How & when did that happen!!!
Love ya girl!