Sunday, September 26, 2010

Out with the old – In with the new

The last several months have been interesting, I love what God is doing in our lives. We have our focus back on what matters, God and family (good friends=family too). We’ve gone through many changes that have affected us all in different ways; with Jeff in his new job and working from home in the evenings and some weekends to my situation at work + my new job, to letting go of friendships that were toxic, to all the kids being in different schools and last but most important, finding a new home church. There has been a lot going on! The kids have had to adjust to Daddy not being as available in the evenings and me being more available (I’m refusing to work nights/weekends again – let’s see how long it lasts this time around), the loss of friends, leaving our most recent home church where they had met many new friends to finding a new home church where we will feel welcome and right at home again. Taryn is struggling with the loss of friends more than the others. She is too young to understand and I haven’t found a logically explanation for her (almost 4 year old) brain. She talks about a certain someone all the time and although it’s very cute that she remembers him and wants to call him to come over and play, it always ends in her crying. She has such a caring heart and simply wants to know why. The last blog, you got to see a video of Taryn that I recorded right after she’d cut her hair, well she hasn’t cut her hair again but she has cut her clothes. I don’t know what she was thinking but I picked her up from daycare one day last week and her skirt was cut in several areas. She said she wanted it to “wiggle”…. Here is a sweet video of her singing a cute little song she learned at school.
Jayden hasn’t had another melt down about Kiarra not being in the same school with him. We struggled a few weeks (before school started) with him crying every time we mentioned school. He is still bored in school; it’s not challenging enough for him so he is often the teachers pet. He finishes his work a lot faster than the others in his class so the teacher puts him to work. I received a call from his teacher the other day that made me smile ear to ear. She was raving about how awesome he is and how he is such a great helper. I love those calls and was (and am) so proud of him!
Kiarra has adjusted to Jr. High very well however she had a taste of mean girls this past week. I’ve been warning her about how mean girls can be, especially in Jr. High, so she was a little prepared but really, how can you totally prepare them for something like this? I’m looking for a book or two for her to read (or for us to read together) to help her understand and/or learn to cope with it (please inform me if you know of one). You know how it goes, one minute they are friends, the next they are not and by the next day they are again. She is frustrated that these girls are not true friends. My advice to her was to stay true to yourself and do things from your heart and with good intentions and true friends will stick by just like they’ve stuck by me. Kiarra LOVES playing volleyball, in enjoying being part of the pep squad and of course she still loves to sew. Those three things along with our crazy family time keep her busy and focused. I’ve explained to her that her friends will change 100 times before she is an adult so let go of the bad ones and move on with the positive ones. I’ve come to the conclusion that if someone seriously wants to be part of your life, they will seriously make an effort to be in it…If not, then you have your answer…
I’ve finally transitioned all my duties from my old position to my co-worker and can now focus on my new stuff. This year has been a roller coaster at the office and I’m ready for some normalcy again. I’d much rather be working 80 hours a week than deal with the weirdities that have been going on, may sound crazy but it's true. My health is in much better shape and I’m feeling good enough again to start working out. I can’t wait to get out there and run and work out with Kiarra. I’ve been pain free for almost a month, thank GOD. Bring on the workouts!!!

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