Kiarra had a great volleyball season with school. Her team was undefeated! She played with a good group of girls and had a great time. She is now in club volleyball and has her first tournament this weekend! I’ve already seen improvement and can’t wait to see her on the court tomorrow! She continues to get all A’s and B’s in school and is overall doing great.
Jayden has been a growing machine; I think he’s grown 2 inches since school started! He is playing basketball now and really likes it. He was crazy excited for his first practice, he couldn’t sleep the night before. According to his coach he is really good for his age considering he’s had no formal training or experience. I guess shooting hoops out front has paid off! Jayden is still on the straight A path so all is well in school. He is playing chess again this year too. Jayden has a lead part in the Christmas program at church and that is this weekend so we are really excited for him to be part of that. We love this church so much and are so thankful to be part of an amazing church family.
Taryn has been learning so much this year, she is practically reading. I am amazed at the level of education this “daycare” provides. She has by far exceeded our expectations and we are so proud of her. She had her winter dance recital last night and did a great job. She was so cute doing her little hip hop and ballet dances. After leaving the recital last night we were telling her how proud of her we are and how great of a job she did. I told her I recorded the dances and she immediately asked in a super excited voice “will you put them on you tube?” Kiarra and I cracked up! The things that come out of this girl’s mouth are hilarious.
Taryn also had a birthday in November. She is 5 now!!! F-I-V-E!!! What the heck, how did our sweet baby girl grow up so fast? We just had her birthday party this past weekend and she had a really great time. I was expecting 23 kids and ended up having 27 so she had plenty of friends to keep her busy. Jeff had a great time too – all of you who were there know what I’m talking about! He was a little sore on Sunday but said it was worth it!
We went out of town to Rockport, TX for Thanksgiving. We rented a house on the bay and it was a lot of fun. Jeff’s parents, Grandmother, brother and his wife, 2 cousins and the 6 of us were all in one house but there was plenty of room. We had a pool table and a ping pong table, a boat (that we didn’t use), fishing poles, and much more. The main attraction was the Just Dance 3 Wii game that everyone had a great time playing. Even Taryn got into the action with the older girls. Jayden spent a lot of time fishing and he caught his first fish (3 actually)! The sunsets were amazing and we got to capture a photo that I’ve wanted for years! Tamia was with us the entire week and it was great to have her with us again. We had a really nice Thanksgiving and are looking forward to destination Thanksgiving 2012.
I’m doing well also. My new job is great and I’m so glad I took this opportunity. I’m working with some great people on a massive government mandated project so I will be keeping myself really busy while here at the office. I am working the 9/80 schedule again which is awesome. I need to get my Christmas shopping started (and finished) because we are COMING HOME for Christmas again! I’m so excited. The kids have been asking all year if we can go to Iowa for Christmas again but it’s so hard to travel this time of year because of Tamia but we’ve made arrangements and are super excited to have a white Christmas again (it better be white)! The kids cried when we told them. They really love to be there during the holidays. It’s going to be a short trip but as always it’ll be worth it.
We had new family pictures taken a few weeks back. They turned out pretty good. Christmas cards were mailed, all 245 of them. I swear I'm going to cut back or not send them next year, my hand about fell off from addressing all of them in one evening. I think I'll just put it on FB since the majority of people are on FB anyway. I'll post the new family pic in a few days.
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