Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I’m free…. well almost

There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. So---love the people who treat you right and pray for the ones who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of LIFE…getting back up is LIVING!

Yesterday, my life changed. Although I was expecting a change and knew something was coming down the pipes, it didn’t go down the way I planned or thought it would…and that is ok – good in fact! I’m not in control, God is and I’m grateful for my blessings. I (along with many others) was pulled into a conference room and notified that the re-positioning efforts within our group do not include me in the plan. I’ve been laid off! Well, I’m officially still employed and will be for a couple months but I’m sitting at home – not working! This is called garden leave. I still have my laptop and my phone but I basically get paid in full to forward an email here or there to my boss, answer a question here or there and sit here and look for another job. I get to be a full time Stay at Home Wife/Mom for a few months with the benefit of my full salary! Does it get any better than this? On April 3rd, my employment will officially be terminated and I’ll receive my severance. I’m going to be blessed with 5 additional months of full pay! 5 months!!! I feel so blessed.
This is what is going through my head as I write this morning… No more…
Office drama – AMEN
Being bullied – Double AMEN
Running late and getting “the look” - AMEN
Being dumped on and overwhelmed with work - AMEN
60-100 hour work weeks + the Mom duties – Triple AMEN
Getting permission to take time off to take my kids to the doctor - AMEN
Confusion and dealing with corporate politics – AMEN

Of course some of these will be short lived as I plan to work again but for now I’m going to sit here and enjoy my time with my family.

Yesterday was tough. It was hard to see really good hard working people get walked off the trade floor. In this industry, you don’t get to pack your things and leave quietly. We’re notified and immediately walked out of the building. It was hard for me to wrap my head around not taking this personal. Although I’d cleaned my personal files off my computer Monday evening and cleaned off my desk yesterday morning before I got called into the conference room, I was still in shock. My heart aches for my team. A few of them are my dear friends and they now have to pick up the slack. At some point within the next few weeks, or maybe today, I’ll get to the point and think “it’s not my problem” but for now, it upsets me that they are stuck doing my job….or their job…or whoever’s job.

My friend, Penny Franklin, said it best in her blog entry this morning. Everything in her life has changed but GOD REMAINS! I am in no way going through the changes she's had to endure in the past 20 days but one thing stands true – God is in control here and He is constant. God remains!! Thanks Pen for this post. This is exactly what I needed to read first thing this morning.

I'm actually doing ok. There were tears yesterday but today I feel like a new person. I'm ready for this new chapter!

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