Jeff started his new job yesterday. He said it was a little overwhelming but exciting. He thinks the job is going to be easier than he originally thought. He won’t be able to totally get into the swing of things until later in the week when he gets his laptop and phone. He is training with this old fart for a few weeks, then they will cut him loose to manage his 17 person crew. We are all so proud of him.
Bennie, Jeff’s Grandma is in the hospital. She’s been fainting quite a bit. She is feeling good but each time she tries to stand, her blood pressure goes out of whack and she gets dizzy. Please keep her in your prayers.
Jeff's parents are coming here over Easter and Shirley is going to teach the girls how to use their sewing machines. The kids have no idea they are coming and will be so excited.
Tamia had surgery on her eyes last week. She had 2 bumps removed from her inner eyelids, I’ll spare the details. She has been with us since Friday and we’ll have her through Sunday. Her Mom had “somewhere to go” and needed us to keep her this week. We were good with that. We’ve never had Tamia during spring break and we’ll take every extra chance we can get with her. They are all on spring break this week.
Kiarra and Jayden had field day at school last week. Jeff and I volunteered and it was actually a lot of fun. Kiarra is enjoying her final months of elementary school and Jayden is looking forward to being the only one in elementary.
I had Kiarra at the doctor 2 weeks ago and she was diagnosed with a UTI…again! Let me be the first to tell you that I am so upset about this. She has struggled all these years with bladder problems and all this time she may have had a UTI… the WHOLE time! There are other health problems she’s had because of her bladder problems and now that the UTI is gone, the other problems are gone too! I can not believe that all this time, it could have just been that… of course I do not know this for sure, but it totally makes sense. Grrr… so irritated with all those doctors right now...
Jayden hasn’t had a headache in 2 weeks. I don’t know what changed but he has not had a single one. Thank you GOD! He has been sleeping better, eating better and doing better in school. I don’t know if it is the change in weather or what but I’m not going to complain.
Taryn is going to start dance classes and is super excited. She now has 2 dogs and no kitties. I won’t tell you what happened to the kitten because it wasn’t very nice. I don’t know where she comes up with things she tells us. You’d think she watches horror movies or something. She is quite the little mommy these days. She wants to take her babies and all their “stuff” with us everywhere we go. It is so cute to see her with their diaper bag, her purse, 3-5 babies and her cute little “mom shoes” (high heels), walking all over the house and being a Mom to them. I’m now the “grandma”…. YIKES!!!
I’m very proud of all 4 of them. They love to help around the house, they beg us to go to church and church activities and are just really good well rounded kids. I wouldn’t trade them for anything!
It's so good to keep up with all the wonderful things in your life! I'll be praying for the health issues in your family and for all the wonderful & new changes that you have going on right now! love & miss you bunches!