Let's back track a few weeks... Kiarra finished up her 7th grade volleyball season undefeated! She played with a great group of girls and I was happy for the drama free team she was on. She had a great coach and learned more about the sport. She starts club volleyball on Sunday and we are super excited about that. She is taking donations if anyone is interested :) Here are a few pics of her with a few volleyball friends. I took a few of her on the court with my camera but they didn't turn out too well. Taryn took all of these with my phone.

Jayden had tryouts for basketball last weekend. We'd already signed him up but he had to tryout to determine his level so the organization can place him in the right team. He is so ridiculously excited, he is driving me crazy. Practice doesn't start until after Thanksgiving and he is going crazy waiting! He's been practicing quite often and is improving daily.
Taryn is doing great in school and is learning so much. She comes home each day and teaches us new Spanish words she is learning and she is starting to read more and more! It is amazing to see her sound out the letters and read the words! She'll be 5 next week and I seriously can't believe it. It just doesn't seem possible that my baby girl will be 5 years old in a few days.
Trick-or-Treating was awesome this year. We didn't put any time or effort in costumes but we pulled it off...Jeff even got into the fun. We went to a friends house for the evening and the kids had so much fun. It was a great evening of fellowship, junk food and fun.

We are really looking forward to Thanksgiving this year. Now that the temps have cooled off a little, we can get into the fall spirit!!!
Happy Friday y'all!!!