I came down with pneumonia and bronchitis 2 weeks ago. It was not fun. I managed to get well enough to hold our super bowl party and what a party it was! We had a great time and are so proud to call ourselves Saints fans. I only wish we were in New Orleans now celebrating Mardi Gras. I thank GOD for Jeff and all he did for me while I was ill. The kids were good troopers too.
Taryn had her 3 year checkup last week and came out with a good bill of health. She is finally growing, now in the 30th percentile in height and 17% in weight. Last year she was under 15% in both. We were driving to Olive Garden for lunch yesterday and she said to us “I need to look at my FACEBOOK!” Jeff, Mom, Kiarra, Jayden and I all laughed so hard. She is too grown and acts like she knows what she is talking about. She’ll be the first to give you an update on her puppy, or kitty, yes – she has a kitty now too (again – imaginary). She has quite the imagination with her animals.
I took Jayden to the doctor at the same time I had Taryn in for her check up. He’s been having severe headaches for a few months now and has been diagnosed with migraines. They took a whole lot of blood from him to run several tests. Those results are still pending and I’m pulling my hair out waiting to hear. Jayden still has a love for Lego’s and builds the most amazing jets and helicopters. He will spend hours and hours building. He got his hair cut again and although I miss his big curls and long hair, I do love it short. He looks like a handsome young man again.
We spent time this weekend looking over Jr High classes as Kiarra has to turn in her selections tomorrow. She is growing up before my very eyes and it warms my heart that she has her head on straight and is making good choices, not only with school but with her friends, peer pressure and everything that goes along with it. She is an amazing young lady with a big heart and big tears that flow when that heart is broken. She is still a little more sensitive than I’d like, but that is what makes her so special. She is the clumsiest child I’ve ever been around and has constant bruises on her legs from running into things or falling (up the stairs).
I don’t know how she has managed to get through 11 years without breaking a bone (knock on wood).
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